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The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics

The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The Flying Circus - aerial acrobatics
The "flying" artists enchant and inspire every audience with their breathtaking air dance on cloth, air ring or rope, but also on the ground.

(Almost) completely detached

Who has never dreamed of being lighter than the air, of flying, of being weightless? The artists of the "Flying Circus" explore this dream in an amazing way. Inspire your guests with a poetry of the air, where the law of gravity seems to no longer apply.

The numbers

The artists dance for you solo, as a duo or in larger formations. The numbers can also be booked individually:

  • "Visual Circus" - sensual and seductive.
    In this innovative vertical cloth performance with live projections on the artists' white costumes and cloths, the audience is transported into a surreal world. On request with music and projections suitable for the occasion. Duration: 5 to 10 minutes.

  • "Luftartistik" - vertical cloth, vertical rope, air ring - only for strong nerves
    The number "Air" offers you poetry and passion at breathless heights. Attention - this vertical cloth performance with a rapid fall provides thrills! On request with music, white or black cloth and matching costume. Duration: about 5 minutes.

  • "Marionetta" - the dancing puppet
    A theatrical vertical cloth performance in which a marionette suddenly comes to life, performs seemingly weightless, unbelievable contortions and dances with composure. The one-man band "Lucky Loop" plays live. Very suitable as outdoor show, festivals, city parties... Duration: 10 to 30 minutes.

    Luzia Bonilla - Artist and movement actress

    The aerial dancer Luzia Bonilla trained at the Comart movement theatre school in Zurich. She enjoyed various further training courses at the circus school Zofy and in the areas of clowning, aerial artistry and dance and performed with the circus Stern for several seasons. Since 2008 the artist is a freelancer and co-founder of the ensemble "Lucy & Lucky Loop" and "Luzia e Mario". Since 2007 she performs in the spectacular "Falko Traber High Rope Show" and "Bauer und Barum". Since 2010 the acrobat is a member of the "Öff Öff Productions". Luzia Bonilla has already thrilled the audience with countless artistic performances in Switzerland and abroad.

Costs [CHF]

Depending on location and scope
per artist 1'100.00  
Hire of scaffolding for air artistry 800.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Preparation and performance
-   Props and costumes
-   Travel expenses

Not included

-   Catering for the artists
-   Possible overnight accommodation costs

Optional extras

-   Air artistry framework (CHF 800.00)
-   Live projections
-   Live music

Team composition

1-8 Artists

Size of audiance

20 to 5000 people

Space requirements

Technology Air Artistry
Space requirement: 3 x 3 x 5 meters

Suspension point (steel beams, beams, hooks, etc.) with min. 500 kg load capacity

If there is no suspension point, an air artistry framework can be brought along (space requirement: 10 x 9 x 6 metres)

Area of application



German, French, English, Italian, Spanish

Customers' views on this offer

Claudia Gehriger, OdA Gesundheit Bern


Die Gruppe «The Flying Circus» war eine wahre Bereicherung für unseren Anlass in der PostFinance Arena in Bern. Luzia Bonilla ist auf unsere Wünsche eingegangen und hat ein umfangreiches Programm zusammengestellt. Die Gruppe war gut vorbereitet, hat künstlerisch Hochstehendes gezeigt und das Publikum begeistert. Sie haben sich zudem unserem Motto «Golden Moments» angepasst und sind in goldfarbigen Kleidern aufgetreten. Herzlichen Dank an Luzia und Ihr Team.

Myrta Arnold, CCL Label AG


Alles hat wunderbar geklappt. Wir sind einerseits sehr beeindruckt von den tollen artistischen Leistungen von Luzia Bonilla und andererseits hat Frau Bonilla vor Ort auch selber die nötigen Abklärungen getroffen, was uns bei der Organisation dieses Anlasses für 120 Personen entlastet hat. Auch administrativ war es eine sehr gute Zusammenarbeit.
Wir können Frau Bonilla und Ihr Programm bestens empfehlen.

Mayumi Sugaya, QualityProduction GmbH


Alles ist gut über die Bühne und die Tuchartistik-Nummer ist bei den Gästen sowie bei den Organisatoren sehr gut angekommen. Insbesondere ist hervorzuheben, dass die Aktobatin mit unvorhergesehenen Herausforderungen souverän umgegangen ist.
Gerne wieder :-)

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