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Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer

Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer - the finest hammered dulcimer
Barbara Schirmer does not just play the dulcimer. She plays the original instrument in a way you have never heard it before.

Sound acrobatics on a traditional instrument

The dulcimer is a stringed instrument of alpine folk music, which possibly came to Europe from the eastern Mediterranean area. Barbara Schirmer celebrates the original instrument, which is no longer often heard in this country, in her own unique way. She conjures up new, never-heard sounds on the dulcimer, for example by playing with Chinese chopsticks or letting glasses slide over the strings. Her four-stick technique is also a feast for the ears and eyes. Barbara Schirmer is the only female dulcimer player in the world who has mastered this polyphonic sound acrobatics.

From north to south, from east to west

With her repertoire Barbara Schirmer spans a musical arc from traditional sounds from Appenzell to Eastern European melodies and South American catchy tunes. In addition, she also performs humorous original compositions, such as the homage to an ugly tomcat with seven lives, the five-day week blues or the folk song that gets lost on the motorway.

The "dulcimer revolutionary"

Barbara Schirmer has achieved international fame as a soloist on the dulcimer. For her innovative playing, she was awarded the title "Dulcimer Revolutionary" in a concert review in the German FAZ. Her solo album FALTER made it onto the shortlist for the German Record Critics' Prize. The newspaper Der Bund praised her playing as a "blessing hacked onto the board".

As soloist or in a duo with cello

You can also book this unique musician in a rare formation with a cellist. Whether as a soloist or in a duo: you and your guests will be thrilled by Barbara Schirmer's dulcimer artistry.

Take a listen

Appenzeller Zäuerli
Las Perlitas
Der Bach kommt
Brasilianischer Carioquinha

Costs [CHF]

solo from 1'100.00  flat-rate
Duo from 1'800.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance and fee

Not included

-   Travel expenses
-   Catering for the artist
-   Possible overnight accommodation costs
-   PA and sound engineer (if necessary)

Team composition

Barbara Schirmer solo on the dulcimer or in a duo with cellist Carlo Niederhauser

Size of audiance

10 to 1000 people

Space requirements

3 x 3 meters (for solo performances)

Area of application

All of Switzerland

Required infrastructure

Stage or platform, good light


English, German, French, Italian, Spanish

Customers' views on this offer

Ulf Schroeter


Excellente performance,
nous sommes très contents,
nous avons pas envie d'aller sur un link/site

Reto Ruhstaller


Wir haben die Auftritte von Barbara Schirmer im Duo mit dem Cellisten sehr genossen. Sie haben perfekt in unser Hochzeitsfest gepasst. Das Duo hat Stücke aus nah und fern gespielt, wodurch verschiedene Vorlieben abgedeckt wurden. Tiptop.

Elsbeth Thalmann, 70. Geburtstag


Barbara Schirmer ,mit ihrem Hackbrett hat so was kunsvolles gelievert. Mit ihrem Können und ihrer Ausstrahlung konnte sie uns begeistern.

Vielen Dank.

Esther Maag, Spital Limmattal


Vielen Dank für die Nachfrage. Ja es war super . Frau Schirmer kann sehr gut auf das Publikum eingehen. Wir waren sehr zufrieden

Forlin Nadia, APH Moosmatt


Wir waren mit Frau Schirmer sehr zufrieden. Bei Bedarf, werden wir sicher Frau Schirmer nochmals buchen.

Ursula Matter, Bereichspersonalleiterin, Kantonsspital Aarau AG


Es hat alles sehr gut geklappt mit Frau Schirmer. Unsere Gäste genossen die vielfältige Musik auf dem Hackbrett und erlebten einen unvergesslichen Abend.
Bei passender Gelegenheit werden wir Frau Schirmer gerne anfragen, ob sie wieder bereit wäre, während eines Personal-Events das musikalische Rahmenprogramm zu gestalten.

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