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Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter

Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Stefan Heimoz - Bernese songwriter
Bernese singer-songwriter Stefan Heimoz sings and plays guitar in the tradition of Mani Matter.

Guitar and vocals

The solo program of the Bernese singer-songwriter consists of original compositions with witty, ironic, ambiguous and thoughtful lyrics. Stefan Heimoz tells stories from everyday life and accompanies them musically with the guitar like Mani Matter once did.

The dialect songs that Stefan Heimoz performs on stage are suitable, for example, for vernissages, staff parties and private events. The only prerequisite is an audience that listens - his programme is less suitable as background music. The singer-songwriter can be booked for a short performance, but also for a whole evening.

Stefan Heimoz prefers to sing and play acoustically. For larger venues he has the necessary technical equipment.

The songwriter

Heimoz draws inspiration from his surroundings and uses it to write his lyrics. Ironic and often with a smile he sings about everyday situations, animates to think, amuses and entertains his listeners.


Some pieces of the Bernese singer-songwriter

60i u meh
Bärner Gring
D' Hermine & ihri Termine
Di Beschti (für mi)

Costs [CHF]

depending on place from 650.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Fee and appearance
-   Own small music system, if none is available

Not included

-   Travel expenses
-   Catering for the musician
-   Any accommodation costs.

Team composition

Guitar and vocals

Size of audiance

10 to 250 people

Area of application

Whole Switzerland



Customers' views on this offer

Christiane Griffin, Geburtstagsfest


Stefan Heimoz trifft mit seinen wunderbaren, intelligenten Liedern den Zeitgeist. Seine Texte, Pointen und Melodien singt er mit einem wohltuenden Schmunzeln und holt auch ein altersdurchmischtes Publikum mühelos ab. Alle Gäste haben seine Gitarrenklänge und klare Stimme bewundert. Das kleine Konzert war für das Geburtstagsfest eine grosse Bereicherung.

Urs Wehrle, Keramikland


Stefan Heimoz hat den Abend durch seine Lieder und seiner sympathischen Art sehr bereichert. Ich kann Stefan allen die etwas Besonderes möchten sehr empfehlen.

Alexandra Werner, Primarschulpflege Gossau


Der Auftritt von Stefan Heimoz entsprach voll den Erwartungen. Er sang Lieder mit Niveau, dazu stimmungsvolle Gitarrenmusik. Die Gäste hörten aufmerksam zu und es gab viele positive Rückmeldungen. Alles hat tip-top geklappt. Bravo!

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