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mixed-up, the a cappella choir

mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
mixed-up, the a cappella choir
Full of energy and powerful voices, the forty-piece choir revives unforgettable world hits.

"CHATBOX" - entertainingly different

Inspire your guests with a rousing musical program. "CHATBOX" is the new repertoire of the a cappella choir Mixed-up. With its new repertoire, the choir packs the topic of "chatting" into a choral show in a varied and witty way. In addition, boxes are amazingly staged as stage and design elements or even as rhythm instruments. The CHAT... gripping, surprising, humorous: conversations - whether personal or virtual, trivial or with depth - are musically implemented in an original way. The BOX - on top, next to it, with it: As multifunctional stage elements, the boxes are specifically integrated into a varied choral performance. The choral transformation of well-known songs and world hits into exciting and soulful a cappella versions is the focus of the new project. But just as "Purple Rain" by Prince or "Take The Long Way Home" by Supertramp are implemented as chat on the box, mixed-up in the new programme presents as usual with a lot of power and passion. One can be curious about a new kind of show!

The choir and its history

Founded in 1990, the choir has been conducted by Gitte Deubelbeiss since 2004. The conductor and music educator knows how to elicit jazzy and groovy sounds from the singers. The name "Mixed-up" stands for the musical versatility of the choir and its diverse repertoire, but also for the individuality of the singers. In recent years the choir has also realised its own projects and filled the concert halls in Olten, Zofingen and Aarau with the anniversary programme "Together" as well as the programme "Hot Stuff". The pieces are newly arranged by the choir director Gitte Deubelbeiss and are partly choreographed for the performances. The joy of singing is transferred to the audience like a wave during the live performance of "Mixed-up".


Some samples

Happy Together

Costs [CHF]

Private occasions from 1'000.00  flat-rate
Cultural commissions from 1'800.00  flat-rate
Company events from 2'000.00  flat-rate
Large events & CHATBOX Performance from 3'000.00  flat-rate

Included in the price

-   Performance (30-70 min.)
-   Two headlights (if required)

Not included

-   Technical equipment (stage, reinforcement; can be supplied if required)
-   Share of expenses
-   Mineral water in rehearsal room/clothing room
-   Snacks or small catering

Optional extras

-   Light show (from 1'500 CHF)
-   Technology (from 1'500 CHF)

Team composition

40 singers

Size of audiance

50 to 1000 people

Space requirements

At least 4 x 5 metres, if possible in staircase steps.

Area of application

Whole German-speaking Switzerland or on request

Required infrastructure

Lighting, from 150 persons technical equipment (in agreement with choir management)


German, French, English

Customers' views on this offer

Rudy Felber, Felber, Kristofori AG


Ganz eindeutig: Ja, wir haben den kurzen, aber intensiven Vortrag des Chores sehr genossen. Es war genau so wie wir uns das vorgestellt hatten. Die Stimmung war danach um einiges heller und fröhlicher - hat also genau gepasst.

Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön an alle Chormitglieder. Wir hoffen, dass wir uns bei einem anderen Event wieder treffen.

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